
Sustainable Ideford Group

Update June 2022

The Sustainable Ideford Group announced the following at the Parish Council meeting held on June 9th: our Mission Statement, Guiding Principles and Objectives. These are based on feedback from our survey of a few months ago and we hope to reflect the priority areas of interest for our community.

We will also publish regular tips and tricks (see below) for reducing carbon footprint and waste and ideas for helping to protect our valuable local environment.

If you would like to get involved in the group or have ideas you’d like to share that relate to the information below, please do get in touch. We always welcome feedback! You can contact Jim Gardner at Jim.gardner@education.gov.uk or Jimigglobal@yahoo.com

Our Mission Statement

‘Making the parish a better home for future generations’

Guiding principles

o  To be community driven in all that we do

o  To help us all to turn good intentions into meaningful action

We will achieve this through community engagement and by proactively sharing information and opportunities relevant to local interests.

Our objectives are

o  To develop opportunities across our parish, to protect and enhance our local environment and biodiversity, including through the activities of our Wildlife Wardens

o  To develop opportunities to raise awareness and find achievable solutions for reduction of our community carbon footprint

o  To engage with our local farming community to understand their concerns and priorities and to support their efforts to care for the land and for nature

o  To reduce waste across the parish

Tips and Tricks

1. Buy at least one item that you normally get from a supermarket from a shop which doesn't use plastic packaging (eg Cressicks in Newton Abbot or the farmers' shop in Teignmouth).

2. Try out a shampoo bar instead of shampoo in a plastic bottle. Try toothpaste in a glass jar (e.g. Georganics | Oral Care By Nature | Mineral Toothpaste)

3. Record an animal or plant you have seen in the Parish on the DBRC website (Wildlife sightings – DBRC). It doesn't have to be a rare one.