The latest news for Ideford

Parish Newsletter June


June 2024

Parish Councillor Vacancy


August 2023


Parish Councillor Vacancy

The Parish Council has one Councillor vacancy. If you are interested in becoming a parish councillor please contact the Clerk – stating why you would like to be considered and confirming that you qualify:

Any person wishing to be considered to act as a Parish Councillor must be qualified to hold office. Sections 79-81 of the Local Government Act 1972 contain the relevant provisions regarding the qualification of candidates, as follows:

To qualify as a candidate and to continue to hold the office of Parish Councillor a person must be a British or Commonwealth citizen, citizen of the Republic of Ireland or a citizen of another Member State of the European Union and, on the relevant day, must have attained the age of eighteen years.

In addition, the candidate must qualify under at least one of the following conditions –

· on that day and thereafter s/he continues to be registered as a local government elector for the parish (meaning the whole area of the parish);

· during the whole of the 12 months preceding s/he has occupied as owner or tenant land or other premises in the parish;

· during the 12 months preceding their principal or only place of work has been in the parish; or

· during the whole of the 12 months preceding s/he has been resident in the parish or within 4.8 kilometres of it (of its parish boundary).

It is also necessary that the candidate should not be disqualified from holding the office of Parish Councillor for any reason set out in Section 80 of the Local Government Act 1972.

Dated: 11th August 2023

Civility & Respect Pledge


March 2023

Illegal off-road driving


February 2022

Public Spaces Protection Order Consultation



July 2021

One of our top priorities at Teignbridge is keeping our district clean, and we know dog fouling is an issue Teignbridge residents feel strongly about. We are reviewing our power under the Public Space Protection Order (PSPO) that will help us continue to enforce dog fouling and control other issues across the district.

The PSPO helps the council deal with the few irresponsible dog owners who don’t clear up after their dog or control it. For the many responsible dog owners who pick up after their dog wherever they go, nothing will change. Inconsiderate dog owners will continue to be targeted through awareness and enforcement. Registered blind people and assistance dog users will be exempt.

The order currently requires:

  • Dog walkers to pick up after their dog and carry a bag or other means of cleaning up after their dog has fouled at all times.
  • Dogs will not be allowed in defined dog exclusion areas (e.g. beaches during April to the end of September, children’s play park excluding assistance dogs).
  • Dogs will be required to be kept on leads next to roads.
  • For authorised officers to have the power to immediately request dogs are placed on a lead.
  • To restrict the number of dogs that can be walked by a single individual, on and off the lead.
  • Dog walkers to control their dogs when in public places

Our aim is to promote responsible dog ownership and care for our local areas, keeping them safe and accessible for all.

Before we review the current PSPO, we want to hear your views. Please take part in this survey atDog PSPO - Teignbridge District Council

The survey will run until the till 3rd September. During that time, we will promote this as much as possible to capture the views and opinions of Teignbridge residents, including dog owners, dog walkers, and local businesses.

Thank you for your support and we look forward to hearing your views.


David Eaton
Environmental Protection Manager



December 2020